
City Maze Map Prints

City Maze Map Prints

At Dirt Alley Design, I transform iconic city street grids into puzzle maze posters


ReHome is a mobile app to connect owners who need to give away a pet to potential adopters, app design was developed as part of SheHacksNYC hackathon
Participatory Playbook

Participatory Playbook

Timeline visualization created for the Magnum Foundation documenting the creative process behind Pete Pin's "I Am Khmer" photography project
All Our Yesterdays

All Our Yesterdays

Instagram-geo-exploration illuminating humanity's relationship to time and our 24/7 world by chasing the sun, featured in The Daily Mail, Washington Post, Gizmodo, Engadget, Creator's Project, and more
Migraine Diary

Migraine Diary

Wireframe designs for a mobile app to track headaches
Chasing Double Rainbows

Chasing Double Rainbows

Whimsical real-time Instagram visualization of double rainbow photos posted in the previous day, featured in the Creator's Project
Star Trails

Star Trails

Starry night sky music visualization inspired by timelapse photography in which light trails of the stars records rotation of earth, featured in the p5.js Web Gallery


Music Visualization inspired by Wassily Kandinsky's abstract paintings
ITP Student Listserv Visualization

ITP Student Listserv Visualization

Visualizing the ITP student community as a network by analyzing email posts to the student listserv


Dreamy collages of my personal Instagram photos programmatically generated using Processing
Everything: Transitory

Everything: Transitory

Photo series on the transitory nature of the cityscape
Urban Water: Meditations

Urban Water: Meditations

iPhone photo project exploring water, light and motion in San Francisco

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