I moved to New York City in July of 2013 from San Francisco where I had lived on and off since 2007. In the six months leading up to my departure, I worked two temp gigs in downtown San Francisco and commuted from where I lived in the Outer Richmond. Just prior to these jobs, I caved and bought a smart phone.
I spent my last 6 months in SF photographing the city as a way to alleviate the boredom of my temp gigs and explore. These choropleth maps are abstracted to only show the neighborhoods and blocks where I photographed in SF from January 2013 – July 2013. The maps reveal the neighborhoods I spent most of my time and the locations I found visually interesting.
I ended up traveling a good deal before moving to New York City as I realized once I was in graduate school, I would have less opportunity to travel. This choropleth map shows the photos I took by state in the same timeframe.
I created the maps in CartoDB using geospatial aggregation to group the photos by administrative regions. I was hoping to also include the SF bus routes I took frequently, but I was unable to find a dataset that I could bring into CartoDB.