It’s time to research anything-and-everything in the areas of data visualization, creative code, transmedia projects, psychogeography, music visualizations, interactive installations, experience design and generative design. I hope this information will be helpful to others looking for resources and inspiration in the field of art and technology. This post will include links to conferences, books, artists websites, projects, articles, blogs, and other resources as I find them this summer.
Artists, Designers, Studios
*Aaron Koblin
Benedict Gross
Jeongmoon Choi
Justin Windle -interactive web experiments
*Kimchi and Chips – light and sound sculpture
**LIA - generative artist
Manuel Lima - information visualization
Marcin Ignac – generative art, creative code, graphics, data
Mark McKeague - city and sound art
Moritz Stefaner – data visualization
Nervous System Inc - generative art studio specializing in jewelry and household objects
Pitch Interactive – data visualization studio
Reza Ali – new media artist and researcher
Robert Hodgin
*Schnellebuntebilder - generative and interactive installation design, sound/motion/light
Stamen - design, data and technology studio
*especially exciting
**having trouble finding women creative coders, please halp!
Conferences and Festivals
Moogfest: music, art, technology – Asheville, North Carolina (April 2014)
Ars Electronica: art, technology – Linz, Austria (Sept 2014)
Resonate: art, technology - Belgrade (April 2014)
Eyeo Festival: creative code, data, art - Minneapolis, MN (June 2014)
SIGGRAPH: computer graphics, animation - Vancouver, Canada (August 2014)
Dumbo Arts Festival: art, technology (New York, September 2014)
Zero1: art, technology (San Jose, 2015)
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