

Project Details

Timeframe: June 2014
Role: Programmer and Visual Designer
Technical Implementation: JavaScript, P5.js, Web Audio API, Echo Nest API
Music: “String Quartet No2 Op10″ by Schoenberg
GitHub Repo
This project was created in collaboration with Jason Sigal, Pamela Liou and Ziv Schneider at the Music Visualization Hackathon

Project Website

Russian-born painter Wasilly Kandinsky is famous for his colorful abstract paintings. Kandinsky was highly influenced by music, and developed a color and shape code to visually represent sound in his paintings. I worked with Jason Sigal, Pamela Liou and Ziv Schneider at the Music Visualization Hackathon hosted by Etsy Labs to develop “Kandinskify,” a Kandinsky-inspired music visualization.

Date:June 2, 2014

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