For my final project for Processing, I am exploring creating a kaleidoscope/spirograph-inspired collage animation. My initial inspiration for this project started with an earlier image manipulation sketch in which I sliced up two photos and over-laid them to create some optical-illusion effects.

My latest sketch slices up my photo/s (or video) into one-pixel rectangles and spirals them in an outward fashion, vortex-like. The result makes me think of woven fabric threads. When I use a photograph in the collage, the color is static but the sketch changes shape in size and pattern, moving across the screen according to the mouse. Batu just sent me this link to the CHANDRA X-Ray Observatory photos of space, which makes for a rather nice collage me-thinks.
Space Visualized!
When the collage sketch pulls from video, the colors of the collage are constantly changing. The result makes me think of twinkling lights, or fireworks, or an amusement park/ferris wheel. → Read more