Activity Tracker – Log Date and Time to MicroSD using Real Time Clock and Arduino


  1. Benedetta Piantella says:

    So happy to see all the progress! And all of it documented! Great job! As I suspected, you need multiple state change detection routines for all the buttons so you need to declare variables like you did here: int buttonStateWater = 0; // current state of the water button
    int lastButtonStateWater = 0; // previous state of the button
    for all your buttons and then add the state change detection routine for all of them! Hope this helps and enjoy the break! B_

  2. Scott says:

    Howdy Michelle,
    I came across this project and became extremely excited as I am looking to do something nearly exactly the same. However I have been unsuccessful in my attempts at researching a solution to my problem. Because of this I was hoping you could tell me if you had made any changes and gotten the code to work or if I could have the original code that worked for a single button?

    I would greatly appreciate any help you could give me and look forward to hearing from you!

    Thank you!

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